Electroglide Showcase with David Gerald

Had a blast playing drums for David Gerald outside of Chicago at the ElectroGlide Records Artist Showcase. Papa T’s is a large venue with good sound and a big stage. The audience was great and really responded to David’s songs. A fun night for sure.

March 20, 2010, 8pm-1am, ElectroGlide Records Artist Showcase & CD Release Party, Papa T’s, 4660 W 147th St, Midlothian, IL, featuring Jimmy Warren Band, Al Stone, David Gerald, others, $10. Info@ElectroGlideRecords

Mowtown Winter Blast with David Gerald

How did I grow up near Detroit and never attend one of these events? A huge performer’s tent with a lot of bands right in the center of downtown Detroit. And Campus Martius is really nice, more people should come and visit, see the re-emergence of Detroit.

David was in great form today, really working the crowd. Had to be at least 500 people under the tent at any one time. And the backline kit and gear was really nice, a great mix overall. It was pretty cold, but I’d enjoy doing it again for sure.

Lute Concert Morgan & Schaub – Pawlet Vermont

A lovely day for a Lute song show in Vermont! Indian Hill Gallery was very generous to give us such a nice place to play and sing our songs, do a little dance.

I’m glad I had been working on amplification for my lute. Being heard outside would have been quite a challenge otherwise. The lute is so quiet anyway. I’ve worked out this method of using an AT headset microphone, wrapping the earpiece around my strap button and then bending the voice piece to lay on the soundboard. Magic, it just works!

The Songs of John Dowland

This CD is a brief collection of songs that we have been performing over the past year. It was recorded in a small house somewhere near Woodstock, Vermont. We both love John Dowland’s music and so the recording flowed very easily. We recorded live using DigiDesign ProTools and the final edits were minimal.

We would like to thank everyone who has helped us do our thing over the past year, especially our spouses who have been very supportive. We’d also like to thank all those who came to a show, we hope you enjoyed it!

Listen on SoundCloud

Marjorie Morgan (Voice)
Christopher Schaub (Voice, Lute)

Marjorie Morgan is a Boston-area choreographer, composer, dancer and vocalist who loves combining these various elements to create original performance works. She is a believer in live art and the constructive energy that emanates from creating, rehearsing and performing new works. Marjorie is a fan of cross-training of all kinds: artistic, athletic, spiritual, etc. http://www.marjoriemorgan.org

Christopher Schaub is a percussionist, singer and lute player. He is interested in blending American Roots music with Renaissance lute songs. Christopher plays lutes and vihuelas by Cezar Mateus. http://www.christopherschaub.com

1. Come Again Sweet Love Doth Now Invite
2. Now 0 Now I Needs Must Part
3. Fine Knacks For Ladies
4. If My Complaints Could Passions Move
5. Sir John Smith’s Almaine
6. Time Stands Still