
About Chris

Christopher Schaub is a drummer and percussionist living in New York, NY. Chris studied music at the Berklee College of Music in Boston and privately with Alan Dawson, John Ramsay and Charlie Banacos.


Some artists Chris has worked for

Chris is my first call drummer in Nashville. He is a technician drummer that can play anything with perfect feel/groove. I know that if I hand him something to play he will tastefully hold the fort down in the rhythm section.
Randy Craft, Music Director, Vocal Coach

Thank you so much for your great (and tasteful) playing on the show! You brought so much to the production!
Cathy Street, Executive Artistic Director, Street Theatre Company

In addition to Chris’ impeccable technical skills on his instrument, he also thinks way beyond the drums to be able to sensitively serve the song.
Christopher Eastburn, Composer, Director, Arranger

With mad Jazz and Rock drum skills, and a clear and achingly-sweet tenor voice, Chris Schaub is a musical tour de force.
Marjorie Morgan, Choreographer, Dancer, Composer, Vocalist